Friday, 25 February 2011

poetry. Jumping Puddles by Janet S Rogers. Grimmersink

 JUMPING PUDDLES: To be published in another anthology by United Press; My works (since 2007) are published in some 46 different anthologies by United Press Ltd.. The title of any writing is one of the most important aspects, it is after all the first words that your reader reads, please your readers eye and trigger the imagination
                                                     Jumping Puddles By Janet S Rogers
See me smile?
There staring back from the muddy depths!
Clear features, the child reflected in definition
Break the surface as in the puddles I would step

Hear me?
There, childlike splashing laughter in green wellies I would run
When childhood was the place I lived and time was full of fun!

The freshness of wet grass, the earthy smell that washed away the dust
Standing, giggling, soaked to the skin as summer storm rolls past

The memories of raindrops running down my face
Lick away the droplets glistening as they race

See me again?
Looking back from the muddy depth
Breeze distorted features across rippled surface swept

Hear me?
When in silence in green welly boots I'd stand
Smell me there? When puddle jumping was the only master plan

The salty memories as tears roll down my face
Sweeping movement from a hand wipes away they're trace

See my anger?
Rising from the muddy depths
Stamp away reality the secret that was kept

Hear me scream?
Above the sounds of the rumbling of the storm

Then Smell?
The memory of another time when innocence was lost

Watch me now?
As my tears mix with summer rain
In gutter streams bad memories washing down the drain

See me now?
The sun is shining and I can smile again

copyright 2011 Janet S Rogers All rights Reserved


Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Fiction of the Adult Fairytale that is.... continues!

Once Before a Once Upon a Time By Mumma Grimmer

Chapter one- The Beginning of something
Once Upon a time, at the beginning of 'it' - this of course was where 'it' started, even before memory there was nothing, or at least nothing that anyone remembers, after all who remembers nothing? Which is a completely different story altogether and almost impossible to explain, because you have to remember something; even if you said that you remember nothing you wouldn't be remembering nothing and in actual fact, logically speaking you would be remembering something of nothing and the possibility of remembering nothing is almost impossible!

Chapter two, Dinosaurs Demise
Let's return to the tree and the Dinosaurs; now the Dinosaurs got a bit to big for comfort

Chapter three, Let there be Light, The tree felt pretty guilty for it's angry outburst

Chapter four Man Made, The emergence of man was a long and laborious task,

Chapter five 'A' to 'Z' and Other Things, Now you will undoubtedly have heard the quote;
 'there is much more to Heaven and Earth than meets the eye'
Well there is

'Once Before a Once Upon a Time by Mumma Grimmer'
copyright 2010 Janet S Rogers(AKA Mumma Grimmer) All rights reserved.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Poetry book title This Way up by Janet S Rogers

As it is Valentines Weekend, thoughts of love, flowers and poetry abound. This is the back cover of my collection of poetic works by Janet S Rogers,
Title 'This Way Up'.

Time of lines to fill a space, within the mind, or thought displace
The spoken word to think aloud, a poet's voice within the crowd
To Rhyme, or not and find each word, of love or hate would seem absurd
To some portray insanity, or could be seen as vanity

In times of trouble and of self doubt, the temptation then to cut words out
To change the line, find something new, there enter a new point of view
But feelings said of truth as seen, the written thought of memory
The paper chant that flows from me is accidental poetry.

copyright 2011 Janet S Rogers, All rights reserved

and this one for all you lovers everywhere, page 18 in the book
'This way up' A collection of poetry by Janet S Rogers
                                   Just a Little Word
Love! Too small a word to express the way we feel
Each different, but emotion still feels real
To each the rush absorbs your heart and can steal your very soul
Each touched by Cupid's arrow never wants for it to go

Some will say I love you, just to even up a score
Some say it for material gain, always wanting more
Some to control another, or to hide some form of guilt
That kind of love will never last, it fades away and wilts

True love is found in many things, or in another's eye's
The pleasure and the pain, or the breath of new born child
It's found in every beating heart and the wonders of the Earth
A feeling that is shared and felt and cannot be seen or heard.

True love is it's own master, it cannot be bought or sold
It's an individual thing and yet, it's just a little word

Copyright 2011 Janet S Rogers, All rights reserved

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Fiction of the Adult Fairytale that is!

                      Once before a Once Upon a Time by Mumma Grimmer (Janet S Rogers

Long before an orifice, or the five latterly known as; Brothers Grimmer, there was an idea, an idea of a possibility, an unknown certainty, that may just have happened.....Once Before a Once Upon a Time

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

two writers Don't make it wrong!

          No two writer's are the same, even those who don't consider themselves writer's, if you pick up a pen or write on a keyboard, you are a writer. Most of us will write or doodle everyday and the shapes we form, create a message, designed to be read by others or just ourselves, from a shopping list to a manuscript, to my mind none is more or less important than the other in the moment. Each piece has an emotional attachment to the Author and is viewed differently than it would be by any other, each tells a story from full length manuscript to a single stanza and herein lies the first obstacle to publication. How to detach yourself from your finished creation and consider it with a critical eye? just as you would expect from your audience, be it publisher, Agent, or best friend. Personally I write because I love to write, but it wasn't always that way, had my income been dependant on my writing I would have starved long ago.
         I started out with all of the enthusiasm of a small child writing their name for the first time, sure that my autobiography 'Coal Dust and Memories would be snapped up by the first publisher or indeed Agent who had been given the pleasure of reading my first few chapters and in a short time I would be a best selling rich household name, the stuff of fairytale s, admittedly some are lucky, but it is more luck than judgement.
         Back to the drawing board (before I learn't to use a computer) with my ignorance, I needed a little research, rather than my usual bull at a gate attitude and learn't that there was one book, described in some circles as the Writers Bible that any would be or wannabe needs and is still my number1 purchase, published every August
                I trawled the pages of  'The Writer's and Artists yearbook' published by A&C Black 2007, (I am now trawling the pages of 2011) and have a book shelf set aside for back copies. If you are serious about a career in, in my case writing it is packed full of invaluable information and advise, there are no guarantees of finding a Publisher or Agent but at least it will point you in the right direction, with invaluable advice on writing and indeed who may be interested in your chosen genre, although my choice of Non fiction publishers, I find a little confusing and covers a multitude of subject matter and is an easy mistake to make (my excuse and I'm sticking to it) is to send it to the wrong publisher, well in my experience anyway! When the rejection letters wing their way back with your returned manuscript with the 'thanks but no thanks' we don't publish this sort of etc. In itself that can be quite a boost, especially if you can convince yourself that they would have published had it been right for they're title list and so your ego may not be quite so dented as it may be with a rejection letter from the right publisher, the main thing is never to give up and to have written that first albeit as yet unpublished piece,it is a real achievement in itself and something that you can be extremely proud of . So my first advice would be buy a copy of 'The Writer's and Artists year book' ASAP  

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The Grimmer Spirits by Mumma Grimmer

  ( book 1)This story was designed to fit in the average pocket of your normal, everyday, average pants
It's the story of a pomegranate, a racing pigeon, a worm, a blackbird, a gnome, a chicken, some humans and five brothers; three are blood, two by choice and wish.....Brothers Grimmer

Friday, 4 February 2011

Past now insight

           In 2003 I was involved in an RTA, forcing me to take stock of my life and have little in common with the person that I am today. I was a mother and nanny and frankly, it was all that I had intended to be, my employment, mainly part time had been chosen to fit around my family. The usual posts as a cleaner or the little more unusual for a woman, that of a security officer with a sense of humour, rarely seen or acceptable in such an occupation, needless to say it didn't last long. Although I learnt a little from my world of work, my house was clean and my children disciplined and of course crowd control came in useful in later years with such a large family and has proved to be an added bonus.
                                                          Like most little girls
I'd had dreams of being a pop star or model and of being rich and famous, I had little to no education past primary school, some of it due to my birth right or lack of it, but mostly it was of my own doing.
 Headstrong and rebellious and by the age of 12 I knew all I wanted and needed to, my one love though, apart from singing, where I decided long before that I was going to be a star and so needed no education was writing, I prided myself on my handwriting and loved the shape and form of  the letters of the alphabet and with my vivid imagination, wrote pages and pages of fiction and essay's, where most in my peer group managed just one or two
                                                     From the age of 14-17
Finding myself in the care of the local Authority was a challenge that needed my complete attention in 'How to beat the system' that was, to my mind anyway, designed to show this young tearaway the error of my ways and I believe that I was 75% successful in proving them wrong, but it left little time for super stardom or indeed writing and I gained some useful albeit challenging life experiences, some may say 'misery memoirs'. With the exception of a darn good letter to a magistrate, pleading to be able to remain at home with my Father under a supervision order as opposed to the request for 'immediate 'care order' and he took pity on me and agreed, although it was short lived when three months later I was back in court and the care order granted. I believe that everything happens for a reason or some may say every action creates a reaction
                                       I'd always intended to write my Autobiography,
Being a wife and mother and then a grandmother kept me too busy, but then the RTA stopped me in my tracks and permanent disability gave me the time on my hands and with the death of my Father in Oct 2005, fate made me realise how fragile life is and the importance of time and to re-evaluate my direction. Most importantly, I finally got around to writing my Autobiography 'Coal Dust & Memories'
                                                   We all need motivation
Mine was and is my children and grandchildren, finally they know me, what makes me tick and who I am and was written initially for they're eyes only, I didn't want them to be left with the emptiness and regret that I carry at the lack of knowledge of my Fathers 75 years of life.The publishing of 'Coal Dust & Memories' was they're idea, they believe that my many and varied life experiences could help others experiencing similar themselves.
                                                Writing my Autobiography
has been for me the best therapy for unloading my cluttered mind of experience and putting it all to one side on a hard copy and has left room on my memory stick for the next chapter, which I can assure you is well under way. I highly recommend this form of therapy and it certainly beats hours of laying on a couch analysing ink blots. The best of therapists advise writing it down and much as I hate to agree with the experts, I'll give them this victory, although it was my decision to write and I found out for myself, proof of the pudding and all that, so if I never fulfil my childhood wish of being rich and famous or a superstar, so be it, as Dolly Parton said 'A star ain't nothin' but a big ball of gas'
                                                  Whatever your age or lifestyle
If you have a dream to write for the eyes of the world or just your own or loved ones and no matter your educational qualifications. If I can, you can and where there's a will there's a way.Up until recently my world of writing was a very small and solitary place. I am still a technophobic Mumma, but I'm learning now and if you have found me here, you are to
Janet S Rogers AKA Mumma Grimmer