Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Memoirs and Fiction Stories: Mumma Grimmer

Memoirs and Fiction Stories: Mumma Grimmer: I was just reflecting on 2011 as you tend to do at this time of year and my journey, not only as a mother, (I have been doing that for 37yea...

Mumma Grimmer

I was just reflecting on 2011 as you tend to do at this time of year and my journey, not only as a mother, (I have been doing that for 37years) I have the most wonderful children, Grandchildren,extended family and friends in the world, not just as a published writer, poet but I have had the great privilege of promoting one of the finest and most talented bands in the South of England.

Brothers Grimmer have gone from strength to strength in 2011 But without the obvious collective talent of the band I would have had nothing to promote, individually they bring their own special talent to the mix and they are real Gents, I am proud to call 3 of them my son's, Lee, Embryopup, (my eldest) he had 2 venue stages he wanted to play, the 02 Academy and the Pavilion, B,mouth and with the help of John Lory and talent Call he fulfilled those ambitions, Matthew Guru (middle son) and drummer, arguably the best in the south not only talented but gifted and there is much more to him than you see there on the stage, he is a life coach and can teach and talk you through any form of meditation and mental health problem you may be suffering, how? Well because he has been there and as his Mother I have watched him heal himself from both mental and physical threats to his life, he is also very humble about his talent and Mike Macko, as most of you know Mike has Aspergers Syndrome and is the dancer with the band, Mike has been a dance teacher with DFA under the guidance of Stella Mavris for 4 years, he has probably had the most challenging life of all of them, Yet he has taught and performed with the kids at the Lighthouse Poole and alongside his Brothers at the Gigs, he has empathy and understanding of kids with disabilities and takes them under his wing, 2012 will see his tribute show to Michael Jackson and most of you will know that Mike was a big fan.
 (Everytime my boys leave me they kiss me goodbye and tell me they love me and that means the world)

 Of course there are 2 more, very talented Musicians in the Brothers Grimmer, Shawn Bo-bo our bass player, Shawn has had a very challenging year, health wise and personally and yet he doesn't let it get him down, the show must go on and Steve Teflon, our shy lead Guitarist, Steve has a lot to give and gives a lot.

 So although I have been successfully promoting Brothers Grimmer and achieved so much through 2011 with publishing writing promoting etc I couldn't have done it without the help of Brothers Grimmer and you, all the friends and supporters on facebook and the many friends old and new and fans I have met along the way and my personal journey as Mumma Grimmer. I thank each and everyone of you for everything and I love you all, Happy New Yearl xxx

Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas and A very Happy New Year 2012

To all my friends and Family on here and all the other links on tinternet, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy 2012, We have shared some good and bad times in 2011, some of you have had more than others to bare and far more than your share, but I hope that my words have helped in some small way and I have given you cause to smile occasionally or even laugh out loud, Thank you all for your support of Brothers Grimmer (my boys) and I know they will be going places in 2012, I hope you will all come along with us for the ride. They say life is what you make it and mine has been all the better for having you all in it, so a very special Thank you and some Grimmer loving from me Mumma Grimmer, by any other name xxxxxxx :))

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Memoirs and Fiction Stories: Imagine 1year and 9months on

Memoirs and Fiction Stories: Imagine 1year and 9months on: I magine This....? Beware its worse than you think A recent case in court, if you are British your human rights could be abused in the same...

Imagine 1year and 9months on

Imagine This....? Beware its worse than you think
A recent case in court, if you are British your human rights could be abused in the same way,if you have a phone and friends who have a less than 'squeaky clean' past and you contact them, you could be jailed. If you kill someone, you get 2-5 years but if you phone a friend you get 9 years so long as you are not an M.P or from another country of course. This happened last week 31st March 2010 in England READ THE STORY......Are you angry? How angry? Would you be even more angry if it happened to one of your family? Thinking you are immune? It happened to one of mine and his family! Next time it could be you!!!

This is a true story and the verdict was passed down on 31st March 2010, one day later you may have thought it was an April fool

Imagine you are just an observer unable to voice your opinion for fear of reprisals and jeopardising the outcome
Imagine you are there in the property on a Monday evening at the end of August 2008, a female child is asleep in her room and her Grandmother has come to stay to celebrate her 15th birthday and the Grandmother is asleep in the female child's 11year old brother's room and so her brother is asleep in the lounge on an air bed just inside the patio doors, all is quiet!

Imagine, all of a sudden a number of police and customs officers smashing through those patio doors and the 11year old brother is showered in glass, lacerating the child with a deep cut to his foot, they ignored him and continue to ransack the house, shouting and even ripping open the girls birthday presents, turning over furniture as they go and yet find no evidence of any crime.

Imagine they arrest the  Children's Father and Mother and take them away, taking all the computers, paperwork and documents to do with the Fathers Car business and even take the Security cameras, not just the tapes
Luckily the 11year old (Finally) hours later, once the police allow, goes to the hospital with his Grandmother for treatment for his cuts and some hours later the Mother returns having been bailed with unspecified charges, but the father doesn't return and is held in custody in Dover (200 miles from home) with no evidence
Imagine your confusion

Imagine one week later, the following Monday Evening, the first week of September 2008, the Grandmother and the two children, still traumatised are alone in the house, Mum has just popped to the local shop, its dark again.
Three men in balaclavas and armed with baseball bats break into the house and demand to know where the money is and beat the the Grandmother unconscious, knocking her front teeth out and breaking her nose and she is covered in blood, the house is ransacked but there are no security cameras, the police took them the week before?
The two children run for their lives and hide in the grounds behind the cars for sale right at the bottom of the site. There was no money and the men take an insignificant watch with no value
Mum returns a few minutes later to find (the Grandmother) her mother in a pool of blood and the children missing, she phones the emergency services. The Grandmother is rushed to hospital and the children are found huddled together hiding. As there are no security cameras the police find no evidence

Imagine your confusion when the police say they won't do anything about it ' they say it is the fault of the Father' because of his involvement in the criminal activities of others, still there is no evidence of his involvement and there is no mention of this attack on any news anywhere not even locally, none of the neighbours were asked if they had seen or heard anything. the children will now need months of counselling for their trauma. 
Imagine how their Father must have felt?

Imagine you are watching a British business man and Father, held in custody, without charge (Had he been a foreign national he would have been released within 42days, British law) his family traumatised, his Mother in Law scarred for life, his business taken over by a management company that Customs and Excise say he has to pay for, they have frozen bank accounts and are only allowing for their own expenses to be withdrawn. They refuse to pay the children's school fees, mortgage payments and HP Agreements and refuse to return the documentation to enable his staff to sell the cars and yet there are no charges

imagine being held for four months without charge yet only being released and bailed because Customs and Excise don't meet the deadline in completing the paperwork for the court but the Father must wear a tag, is unable to run his business and is on a curfew (but at least he is there to help his family come to terms with what has happened to them, he must not go out from 8pm-8am and must report to the police station daily

imagine the management company can find no evidence of crime and yet  charge the Father £130,000 for their wages

imagine the management company sack the salesman because he cannot sell your cars without documentation and is unable to run the business without the computers but the Father is only allowed £200 a week to keep his family and is unable to have any involvement in his own business. The children's school fees have to be borrowed from a relative so that they can keep their places at school which is just as well as the Daughter is in the middle of her GCSE's. What would you do?

Imagine you have watched the Father wear his tag (for twelve plus months) and struggle to keep his family afloat for 18months, without evidence and with no specific charges but speculation of money laundering and some question of importation of drugs (speed) with the exception of knowing two people, friends, who were involved and  for speaking to those two people at sometime over the previous four years.

Imagine one of those people has changed his statement several times as to the Fathers involvement and the police and indeed customs agree that this person is not to be trusted and that the other'friend' says that the Father had no involvement and the charges are unsubstantiated, no specific charges are given but customs and excise are still looking for evidence but have removed the management company because they couldn't find any evidence of  a crime or involvement. The defence team is costing in excess of £100,000 

Imagine the case against the Father, who admittedly does have previous history many years ago but has served his time and yet customs and excise are permitted to bring this up in court unchallenged and the Father openly admits he has a history but as his record shows has openly admitted his previous offences and served his time for all of them

Imagine the case is to start on 22nd Feb 2010 in a court near Dover, it is to last two weeks after being deferred as the prosecution asked for more time lacking evidence and it was granted. Imagine you are an observer of the case, even then the case is held up again due to technicalities and several brief court appearance later the case doesn't start properly until 1st March 2010 (Imagine the costs to you the tax payer for all the costs involved)

imagine the Judge has come all the way from Manchester to Kent to sit on the bench and it is his first case as he has only just qualified as a judge

imagine that the Father's, very experienced Barrister has pulled the Judge up on several points of law and asked him to stand down on more than one occasion as his qualification and experience are inadequate to handle such a case

Imagine that the Barrister has asked that the Jury be dismissed as the prosecution have included information and statements that have not been admissible as evidence and although the Jury are advised not to consider it they have heard it anyway and are not dismissed

Imagine that the Jury ask a question of the Judge before making a decision and it is now 31st March 2010. It is suspected that one or more of the Jurors are involved with customs and excise but it cannot be proved, one of the jurors is going away on holiday tomorrow and if the decision is not made today they will all have to return again (after the Easter break) on 5th April, most inconvenient!

Imagine then the question asked of the Judge
'If we think that the Father knew of the crime but was not involved, should we find him guilty or not guilty' the Judge responded ' You must find him Not Guilty'

Imagine then just 10 minutes later the Jury returns with a unanimous guilty verdict, why would you imagine they came back with that verdict?

Imagine that the Jurors then stayed to listen to the sentence of the Father' unheard of in the Barristers opinion and that the Father was given a 9 year custodial sentence, with no concrete evidence against him and with some 14 witnesses being called by the defence and two by the prosecution , one of whom was proven to be unreliable, based solely on telephone calls

Imagine then that an appeal has been lodged immediately for the Father, although and it is only if a further Judge allows an appeal and even then, it will not be heard until Dec 2010, some six months hence, that Customs and Excise are now empowered to place a fine on the Father and at an amount that they choose and that if the Father is unable to pay it he can be held in prison for a length of time that they choose on top of the nine years sentence and should his appeal be heard and a guilty plea is returned a second time that the nine year sentence will start again. His traumatised children, his scarred Mother in law and his wife are now without their Father and Husband and will undoubtedly lose their home,all without evidence
What do you imagine you would do?

This man is a British subject, a business man admittedly with a less than squeaky clean past but has always served his time. He has never committed a murder or raped or abused another adult or child. He is though a family man, his sentence would without doubt have been far less had he committed such an offence.
Imagine then what would have happened had he been a foreign national? There would have been a public outcry and the publicity would have been all over the newspapers and television, Imagine if he had been an MP

imagine had I not told you all the facts of this case, you would be none the wiser. There has not been a single mention of it, from the initial smashing of the patio doors by armed police and injuring a child to the armed raid, nor any mention of this case in the courts and the use of tax payers money to justify this case. 
The customs and excise have to justify the cost's involved in this case to the tax payers of this country that's you! Lets face it they couldn't allow this case and the Father to be acquitted as he should have been because of the cost involved they would have had egg on their faces and so he has been made a scapegoat.

imagine you had observed all of this and couldn't tell anyone for fear of reprisals and jeopardising the appeal and outcome, What would you do?

The appeal has now been dropped, not because The Father is guilty, he isn't!!!!!! But because he can't get legal aid and can't afford to pay for his own legal fees and his appeal is still unheard having been put off for 21 months. The fine is still not set and the case for the confiscation order starts on 5th January 2012. So his wife and children may well be homeless in 2012. The children? The Daughter is now 18 and is at University in London, she misses her Dad and the son is doing okay in school, he misses his Dad and the fishing trips they used to go on together, I can now shout about this case from the rooftops if I want to and I miss him too!