Thursday, 3 March 2011

Thoughts of a writer on World book day

  One day a year allotted to books is less than useless, perhaps if we placed more emphasis on the importance of books and reading of every kind, of writing (my preference is handwriting) spelling and listening, we would all learn something new everyday and have a better understanding of each other. It seems that since the the introduction of the use of computers in schools our children don't learn to write by hand or spell, most don't even know how to use a dictionary. The internet has become overwhelmed with books and words that will never be heard or read and when we have to go back to basics, there will be nobody left who knows how to and no libraries left either. Teach children to write, to form letters, even write letters and spell (before introducing them to the computer) make them think and use they're imaginations, a computer should be a tool to enhance education and imagination not to replace it.
 I became a writer in 2005, after an accident, I had to give up my day job, all of my employment since starting work in 1974 has been manual and involved no writing. I had and still have no paper qualifications. I had to return to the basic skills I learnt at primary school, I had no formal education past age 12. Without that early learning I wouldn't be writing this today, without it I would have been lost. There is a lesson to be leant there

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