Wednesday, 29 February 2012

rant about smoking

Just been to Asda to get my cigarettes, to find that they have had to cover them up, ITS THE LAW!!!! So I figure if you can't see em there is no need for all the lavish packaging and health warnings so if it saves on printing, design, inks etc maybe the cigarette and tobacco manufacturers could pass the savings on packaging and reduce the costs on a pack to us, who are addicted to the filthy habit of smoking....of course we could all give up and bankrupt the country in lost tax revenue!!!!!!

    • I have also had a conversation with social services about smoking today, I have offered my spare room for kids coming out of care, coz as we know there is a shortage of foster carers and carers to help kids who are not quite ready to live in the big wide world yet. Apparently I am really suitable and they agree nothing phases me (true) we only smoke in our conservatory (I might add I told them this when I made the original enquiry and was told it didn't matter) but apparently it does now, NEW GUIDELINES!!!! so it doesn't matter that I am capable of giving an institutionalised kid a stable home that I will stand by any child/young adult (17-23 yr olds) help them through what will have been a life of rejection and chances are they are smokers already, possibly the least of their problems BUT I SMOKE! So sorry tax payers you are going to have to keep paying to keep these kids at a cost of about £1300 a week in an institution
    •  rant over and breath!!!!!!

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